Blu-ray: Doctor Who Tom Baker, Season 1
Blu-ray: Doctor Who Tom Baker, Season 1

Blu-ray: Doctor Who Tom Baker, Season 1

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Your Price: $69.98
Part Number: BRTOMBAKER1
Availability: In Stock., 3 Available.

Tom Baker's acclaimed first season as the Fourth Doctor, originally aired in 1975/76. With his best friend Sarah Jane Smith and new companion Harry, the Doctor pits his wits against a giant robot, the insect Wirrn, Cybermen, Sontarans and Daleks.

Twenty episodes, specially restored for Blu-Ray and packed with new and old special features. Build your own archive of classic Doctor Who seasons with this six-disc special 'limited edition packaging' boxset.

Existing Extras

Existing bonus material from the original DVD's
Brand New Bonus Features
Brand new one hour candid interview - 'Tom Baker in conversation'
Behind The Sofa - classic clips from season 12 viewed by Tom Baker, Philip Hinchcliffe, Louise Jameson, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton and Sadie Miller
New making-of documentaries for 'The Sontaran Experiment' and 'Revenge of the Cybermen'
Optional brand new updated special effects for Revenge of the Cybermen
Genesis of the Daleks - omnibus movie version
The Tom Baker Years VHS release on disc for the first time
Production archive material and scripts from the BBC Archives

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