DVD 090: Robots of Death (Special Edition)
DVD 090: Robots of Death (Special Edition)

DVD 090: Robots of Death (Special Edition)

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Classic Doctor Who DVD Titles
Part Number: DVD090SE
Availability: In Stock., 2 Available.
The Robots of Death - Special Edition
Starring Tom Baker. The TARDIS, carrying the Doctor and his new companion Leela, arrives aboard a huge sandminer on a deserted world. The small human crew rely almost entirely on robots to carry out their every task and whim while they mine the planet's rich minerals.

Special Features
Commentary 1 - Original release commentary.
Commentary 2 - New commentary with actors Tom Baker (the Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela) and Pamela Salem (Toos), and director Michael E Briant.
The Sandmine Murders - Cast and crew look back at the making of the story.
Robophobia - Toby Hadoke takes a humorous look at the history of robots.
Studio Sound - Example of a studio scene before the robot voice effects were added.
Model Shots Black and white time-coded recording of the original model insert film.
Studio Floor Plan - Interactive view of the studio layout via the original floor plan drawings.
Continuity - Off-air continuity for the first episode's original transmission plus mute continuity slide.
Radio Times listings
Programme subtitles
Production information subtitles
Photo gallery
Coming soon trailer
Digitally remastered picture and sound quality

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