DVD 139: Vengeance on Varos (Special Edition)
DVD 139: Vengeance on Varos (Special Edition)

DVD 139: Vengeance on Varos (Special Edition)

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Part Number: DVD139SE
Availability: In Stock., 9 Available.
The Tardis is malfunctioning, so the Doctor must make a stop on Varos to obtain a supply of a rare mineral, zeiton 7. Varos, once a prison planet, is ruled by descendants of the original guards who oversee the operations of the miners. The planet is being extorted by the Galactic Mining Corporation, and the people are in near-poverty in this authoritarian society. The guards hold the real power, while the figurehead governor is subjected to numerous "viewer voter ratings" which judge the popularity of his decisions and punish him accordingly. Enough negative votes and a governor is disrupted at the cellular level. When the Doctor and Peri arrive, they end up aiding a rebel to escape who is sentenced to die. Pursued by the guards through a maze-like dungeon with technological terrors at every turn, the Doctor must escape this nightmarish world, but only after he is able to locate a sufficient quantity of the zeiton 7.

Disc 1
2 x 45 mins approx colour episodes with mono programme audio, with the option of Dolby Digital 5.1 programme audio or mono production sound.
Commentary with actors Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Nabil Shaban.
Isolated Music - option to view the story with isolated music soundtrack in either original mono or remixed into Dolby Digital 5.1.

Disc 2
Nice or Nasty? (dur. 29' 38") - cast and crew talk to presenter Matthew Sweet about the making of Vengeance on Varos. With actors Nabil Shaban and Sheila Reid, writer Philip Martin, script editor Eric Saward and composer Jonathan Gibbs.
The Idiot's Lantern (dur. 7' 30") - presenter Samira Ahmed looks at the way Doctor Who stories have used the medium of television within the narrative over the years.
Extended and Deleted Scenes (dur. 17' 43") - scenes cut from story before transmission, taken from timecoded production tapes.
Acid Bath Scene with Alternative Music (dur. 1' 36") - the infamous acid bath scene featuring a different music cue from the one finally used in the programme.
Behind the Scenes (dur. 4' 42") - a glimpse inside the studio during recording of the story.
Outtakes (dur. 3' 06") - outtakes from the studio recording session.
Trailers (dur. 0' 22" and 0' 18") - BBC1 trailers for both episodes.
Continuities (dur. 0' 35") - BBC1 continuity announcements from the story's original transmission.
Tomorrow's Times - The Sixth Doctor (dur. 12' 54") - the latest instalment in our series looking at the way newspapers reviewed and reported on the programme reaches the Colin Baker era. Presented by Sarah Sutton.
News (dur. 1' 07") - BBC News reports on Colin Baker's casting as the Doctor.
Breakfast Time (dur. 5' 41") - Frank Bough interviews Colin Baker just after the announcement of his casting.
Saturday Superstore (dur. 15' 05") - Mike Read interviews Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant on the BBC's Saturday morning kids show and the pair take phone calls from their audience - and from an old adversary!
French & Saunders (dur. 7' 32") - an unused Doctor Who spoof shot on the set of one of Colin Baker's other stories.
Plus of course the usual PDF materials (including the BBC Enterprises sales sheet), Coming Soon trailer, Programme Subtitles, Subtitle Production Notes and Photo Gallery.

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