Doctor Who: 068. Catch-1782
Doctor Who: 068. Catch-1782

Doctor Who: 068. Catch-1782

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6th Doctor (Colin Baker) Audio Adventures
Part Number: 1114715115
Availability: In Stock., 41 Available.
When the Doctor and Mel visit the National Foundation for Scientific Research as it celebrates its centenary, Mel expects only to be able to catch up with her uncle. She doesn’t expect to meet her own ancestors...

What is buried in the grounds of the Foundation?

What secret has Henry Hallam kept from his descendants for three hundred years?

Can Mel escape her own past?

Visiting your relatives can sometimes be trying, but surely it should never be this difficult?

This story takes place between "The Trial of a Time Lord" and "Time and the Rani".

Cast List

The Doctor: Colin Baker
Mel Bush: Bonnie Langford
John Hallam: Derek Benfiled
Henry Hallam: Keith Drinkel
Mrs McGregor: Jillie Meers
Dr Wallace: Michael Chance
Professor David Munro: Ian Fairbairn
Rachel: Rhiannon Meades

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