Doctor Who: 225. Vortex Ice/Cortex Fire
Doctor Who: 225. Vortex Ice/Cortex Fire

Doctor Who: 225. Vortex Ice/Cortex Fire

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6th Doctor (Colin Baker) Audio Adventures
Part Number: DW225CD
Availability: In Stock., 25 Available.

Vortex Ice by Jonathan Morris

In search of ‘exotic particles’, the Doctor and Flip arrive 700 feet underground, in a mine in Northern Mexico – only to run into a scientific expedition. Among their number, an exobiologist. They’re all on the hunt for alien life! Deep underground, the team finally uncovers a cave of vast crystals – like ice, despite the heat. And inside the crystal: something frozen. Something trapped in time. If only it were something simple, like a monster. But it’s far, far worse than that.

Cortex Fire by Ian Potter

The Doctor brings Flip to the futuristic city of Festin, the best vantage point to witness a unique astronomical light show. In a city governed by the all-powerful network known as the Cortex, they’re soon identified as outsiders – nihilists, perhaps, responsible for a wave of terror that’s been sweeping the city… But the truth is different. The people of Festin are burning up. Spontaneously combusting. And no-one knows why.

Written By: Jonathan Morris, Ian Potter
Directed By: Ken Bentley


Colin Baker (The Doctor), Lisa Greenwood (Flip), Shobu Kapoor (Sai Chopra), Orlando Seale (Dylan Argent), Monty D’Inverno (Jannik Woolf), Rebecca Todd (Khoralla), Simon Kane (Halus), Eve Webster (Bav/ Cortex/ Enforcer) Katherine Senior (Holly Whitfield) Youssef Kerkour (Dakeem/Ambulance Pilot). Other parts played by members of the cast.

Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Alan Barnes
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

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