Doctor Who: 230. Time in Office
Doctor Who: 230. Time in Office

Doctor Who: 230. Time in Office

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5th Doctor (Peter Davison) Audio Adventure
Part Number: DW230CD
Availability: In Stock., 2 Available.

The Doctor's adventures in time and space are over. The Time Lords have recalled him to Gallifrey – but what he faces on his home planet is worse than any trial. Following the disappearance of President Borusa, the High Council condemned him to the highest office - and he can't evade his responsibilities a nanosecond longer...

So all hail the Lord High President! All hail President Doctor!

Rassilon save him. This time, there's really no escape.

Written By: Eddie Robson
Directed By: Helen Goldwyn


Peter Davison (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sheri-An Davis (Castellan Lowri), Julie Teal (Chancellor Vorena), Michael Hobbs(Arcantis), Tim Scragg (Crex), Tim Sutton (Scandrius), Jenny Lee (Kasnegar), George Watkins (Sugru / Fegax Guard Captain)

Other parts played by members of the cast.


Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Alan Barnes
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

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