During the events of Doctor Who: Ravenous 2, Liv Chenka left the Doctor and the TARDIS behind. Just for one year. A year during which she would live on Kaldor, and get to know her sister Tula all over again.
But Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. Technology is changing at an advanced rate - the robots are evolving, artificial intelligence is adapting, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously.
Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world’s history?
3.1 The Mystery of Sector 13 by Robert Whitelock
Liv is investigating the Sons of Kaldor - looking out for any unusual activity on Kaldor. But when her hunt leads her to an abandoned warehouse, she may have bitten off more than she can chew... And while she’s away, Tula is finding that some problems lie a little closer to home.
3.2 Circuit Breaker by Guy Adams
Poul has returned to Kaldor City... and Toos is doing her best to help his recovery. After troubling events in a local hotel, he finds himself with another crime to investigate. But are there some mysteries that shouldn’t be solved?
3.3 A Matter of Conscience by Lisa McMullin
The Sons of Kaldor are stepping up their anti-robot campaign as Liv and Tula are stepping up their search. But even as they get closer to the survivors of Storm Mine four, their understanding of events on Kaldor is about to change irrevocably.?