Eaglemoss 1:21 (#SP 26) Melkur from
Eaglemoss 1:21 (#SP 26) Melkur from 'The Keeper of Traken

Eaglemoss 1:21 (#SP 26) Melkur from "The Keeper of Traken

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Your Price: $29.95
Part Number: EMOSSSP26FIG
Availability: In Stock., 3 Available.
Doctor Who Figurines Collection - Special Edition

• As Seen in the Episode "The Keeper of Traken" (1981)
• Cast in Metallic Resin and Hand-Painted
• Height with base: 5.1 inches

The Melkur was said to be a source of great evil, kept sealed in a sacred grove. In truth, it was a camouflaged form for the Master's TARDIS, which he used to ensnare and manipulate the heir to the Keeper of Traken – and through her, the entire planet!
Withered and dying, crippled by his lack of regenerations, the Master hoped to use the powers of the Keeper of Traken to grant himself a new life. His desperate search for immortality came to a climax at the end of this story when he claimed the body of Tremas – played by the iconic Anthony Ainley.  

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