Howe's Transcendental Toybox, Second Edition
Howe's Transcendental Toybox, Second Edition

Howe's Transcendental Toybox, Second Edition

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Your Price: $34.50
Part Number: 1071248686
Availability: In Stock., 1 Available.
David J Howe and Arnold T Blumberg present the definitive collector's guide to Doctor Who merchandise. From activity books to wallpaper, everything is covered. From the rare and obscure to the commonplace and disposable, every facet of Doctor Who's penetration into the merchandise marketplace is detailed.

As well as including factual material, descriptions, photographs and a guide to current prices, Howe's Transcendental Toybox also helps the beginner in what to get and what to ignore and what to look out for especially. The book covers Doctor Who merchandise around the world, including items released in America, France, Portugal, Canada, Hungary and Australia as well as the many UK-produced items.

Howe's Transcendental Toybox is both a fascinating tour through the many ways that Doctor Who has been presented over the years and an entertaining guide to the world of Doctor Who collecting.

Fully revised and updated from the first edition, this new edition covers all items released up to the end of 2002. 34.5+3

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