Imagine a Story fifty years in the telling.
That’s a long time to maintain consistency. Storylines clash, continuity dies and contradictions flourish as one decade bleeds into the next, and one editor replaces another, each with their own idea of how the Story should be told. Add to that a veritable flood of formats – big screen, television, novels, audios, comics, short stories, cartoons – and what seemed at first to be merely difficult rapidly becomes all but unmanageable.
Now imagine if one man were to attempt to consider it all. One man reading the short stories and the novels, watching the movies and the box sets, listening to radio plays and BBC compact discs…taking it all in so that you don’t have to…
Join Finn Clark on an epic journey through the Whoniverse, as he reviews every single Doctor Who story in every single format (except Big Finish – we decided that a thousand page book was just too much!). From ‘An Unearthly Child’ and TV Comic throwaways to Capaldi and IDW, with sidesteps into influences and spin-offs, he’ll tell you, the reader, what he thinks of it all, good and bad…
Examining the Colin Baker era, plus the Australian K9 tv series and the Baker-starring BBV videos of the Wilderness Years – this is the ultimate review guide to Doctor Who.
Pages: 311