WhoTalk: Resurrection Commentary
WhoTalk: Resurrection Commentary

WhoTalk: Resurrection Commentary

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An unofficial commentary for Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks.

Resurrection of the Daleks was a high action blockbuster story, originally broadcast in 1984. With a stellar cast, and the departure of one of The Doctor’s companions, it has remained a favourite with fans ever since.

In celebration of this classic serial, members of the cast and crew reunite to share their memories and experiences of working on the show in five new commentaries, including an alternative track for episode one.

Moderated by actor, comedian and cult television enthusiast Toby Hadoke, this release features Rula Lenska (Styles), Jim Findley (Mercer), Sneh Gupta (Osborn), William Sleigh (Galloway), Roger Davenport (Trooper), Brian Miller (Dalek Voices), Mike Mungarvan (Soldier) and Eric Saward (Writer/Script Editor).

These CDs can be enjoyed on their own or played in conjunction with the official BBC DVD release.

These commentaries contain no BBC copyrighted elements and do not feature audio from the episodes themselves.

Disc One
EPISODE ONE: Rula Lenska, Roger Davenport & Mike Mungarvan
Alternative EPISODE ONE: Sneh Gupta, William Sleigh & Jim Findley
EPISODE TWO: Rula Lenska, Mike Mungarvan & Brian Miller

Disc Two
EPISODE THREE: Rula Lenska, Roger Davenport & Brian Miller
EPISODE FOUR: Jim Findley & Eric Saward

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