Based around the events leading up to the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572, The Massacre is a dark and dramatic serial from Doctor Who’s third season, which featured William Hartnell in the dual roles of The Doctor and the Abbot of Amboise. Sadly no episodes or clips from this serial survive in the BBC archives.
More than fifty years after recording the story, members of the cast and crew provide commentaries for these missing episodes, and as a special bonus there is the inclusion of a track for the infamous Christmas 1965 episode The Feast of Steven, which was part of The Daleks’ Master Plan.
Moderated by actor, comedian and cult television enthusiast Toby Hadoke, this release features Peter Purves (Steven Taylor), David Weston (Nicholas Muss), Christopher Tranchell (Roger Colbert) and Donald Tosh (Writer and Script Editor).
These CDs can be enjoyed on their own or played in conjunction with the official BBC DVD release.
These commentaries contain no BBC copyrighted elements and do not feature audio from the episodes themselves.
Disc OneWAR OF GOD: Peter Purves & Christopher TranchellTHE SEA BEGGAR: David WestonPRIEST OF DEATH: Peter Purves
Disc TwoBELL OF DOOM: Donald ToshTHE FEAST OF STEVEN: Peter Purves & Donald Tosh